Farandula – Every soul is a CircusFashion Video A fashion video story that was produced for the fashion exhibition / Farnadula’s 2014 fashion line “Every soul is a Circus“.
Thanks for all the violetsMusic Video A mistress has just about had it with promises and false expectations. Video went viral, and has so far been seen by over a million people.
THERE COMES A DAYMusic Video An autumn dressed video for a young slovene singer Lea Likar, her first video.
SparklesBILBI, Music Video An experienced doctor is building her Mr.Right, a perfect patch-collection of her previous lovers and love escapades.
New Year – Christmas living room concertBILBI, Live stream, Music Video A Christmas & New Year concert performed by Bilbi and transmitted to people's homes from her very own living room.
Veljko Zejak – Artist portraitWork in progress This is a work in progress and an ongoing project of the artists process.
The socialistic bohemiansDocumentary show This is a work in progress and an ongoing project of the artists process.
Into aortaMusic Video The Elevators strike back with this energetic funkadelic broom. Video was produced in three days and used as an invitation to the concert.