00 386 41 323 412jure@oblikovalnik.com

Thanks for all the violets

About Project

Maja Pihler – Bilbi in story of a mistress, who has just about had it with promises and false expectations.

An introductionary video catapulted Bilbi to slovenian pop scene and a video that was so far watched by over 1 million people.

Shot during a course of one day with Lumix GH13 and a Konica 23 lens.Post took a bit longer.:) Special thanks goes to our creative team, who managed the lets-do-it-in-one-day tempo.

Maja Pihler is a singer/actress from Ljubljana/Slovenia, together with Gregor Stermecki they form the creative core of Bilbi band.

Creative team

Bilbi, Mateja Krofl, Alja Krofl, Jernej in Ramaida Osim, Nina Sever, Gregor Stermecki



The job

First music video gone viral


Jure Plešec

Shot on

Lumix GH1, first hack

Year: 2010
Kontact us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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