00 386 41 323 412jure@oblikovalnik.com

The socialistic bohemians

About Project

The trailer for the documentary radio show film ‘The socialistic bohemians’ aimed at presenting the untold stories of Ljubljana’s past.

The film presents “5 bohemian héros of Ljubljana’s socialistic night time“. It is a living document of their memories of intellectual’s youth in socialistic Ljubljana, and a nice entry point into the socio-political space of Yugoslavia in the 50’s.

It was shot on the last Radio show named ‘Moje ulice’ on Radio Student Ljubljana.

The film was a part of the project Moje ulice ( My streets ), produced by Divja misel. 

Oblikovalnik entered as a co-producer to support the realization of a good idea with the support in postproduction, while RTV Slovenia got us a few of their archive shoots.


Script and realization Tina Popovič in Špela Frlic 

Edit Jure Plešec 

Guests selection, moderation and realization Peter Zobec

Production Divja misel 

Coproduction Oblikovalnik & RTV Slovenija

Archive footage of Ljubljana Na sončni strani ceste ( On the sunny side of the street ) by Matjaž Klopčič

Great thanks to everybody who made this project possible.



Moje ulice

The job

Trailer for a documentary radio show film ‘Tista socialistična boema”


Jure Plešec

Shot on

Lumix GH2, sedna

Year: 2010
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