00 386 41 323 412jure@oblikovalnik.com

Mercator – We love local

About Project

In cooperation with Mercator, a major slovenian retailer, we produced a series of video portraits of their smaller suppliers. The idea that was successfuly communicated locally as well as nationally was: we are supporting local production and you can find fresh market products in every store.
The campaign was a great success, and is still ongoing.

About Project

Direction/DoP/Edit Jure Plešec

Postproduction Butik gibljivih slik

Sound design Sašo Kalan



The job

Portrait of an entrepreneurial farm 

Shot on

Sony A7S 2


Year: 2017
Kontact us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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