00 386 41 323 412jure@oblikovalnik.com

Image frames & Gallery

Everything you need about images.

Display your images in a circle frame or choose between 4 image frames to spice up your photos.
Display captions and descriptions in/out of your images.

Circle image frames

Donec mollis consequat velit eget venenatis. Ut vitae dui adipiscing, venenatis mauris et, dignissim dui. Nunc orci augue, bibendum eu metus et, fermentum fermentum orci. Vivamus a vehicula odio.
In sollicitudin, urna at tincidunt sagittis, turpis nulla faucibus metus, ut vulputate tellus massa eu leo. Cras dictum aliquam velit, in convallis ligula venenatis ac. Fusce tincidunt velit sit amet lorem tempus, viverra accumsan quam vulputate. Donec ultricies hendrerit purus, vel tristique quam interdum vel. Mauris non odio tempus, faucibus sapien nec, condimentum mauris in hac habitasse.

Image frames

With captions and descriptions

Image gallery

Captions in / out

Based on your need and type of photos you can decide weather you want photo caption in or out of image frame.

Circle image frames

This brand new shortcode allows you to display any images within a circle frame and a thin border color.

Multiple image frames

5 image frames are accesible by a simple shortcode. You can turn on lightbox and group images as well.

Kontact us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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